Motivational Blog

What you hold on to also becomes your reality. Your belief system is the roadmap of possibility and also defines...
Success is consistently getting desired outcomes for your efforts. As your focus on improving quality of your efforts improves...
It takes someone very special to take a GIANT LEAP in life and turn their ordinaries into Extra-Ordinary assets....
Are you confused about your child's future education? You finding it difficult to choose out of so many confusing options?...
Goals, small or big play important role in making your efforts productive and converting your activities into achievements....
Never underestimate the power of your dreams, they are your future possibilities....
You’re invited to attend seminar on Effective Parenting at Loyola High School, Pune by Mr. Anand Munshi. He is India’s...

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Anand Munshi

Anand Munshi is one of the Top Motivational Speakers in India. He is leading Life Coach Columnist and through his regular columns he touches over 20 million readers every day.

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