Motivational Blog

She was jubilant and I could see proud feelings that her own school has not put her down in the...

Tough times never last but tough people do. This is the only one-point mission of whole medical staff dealing with...

Doctor Arvind Karad 32 years of age married to Engineer, dealing with COIVD-19 patients has got everything to worry about...

Present is the most important time because that is all what you have. Past is gone, future is yet to...

What India has seen today is phenomenal. 5:00 p.m on 22nd of March 2020 has created history. What we have...

It was first day after the serious outbreak of Corona virus and the first business day after historical drop in...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Rajesh ji, the proud owner of Chaitanya Paranthas is a fantastic person, committed to serve customer a focused entrepreneur....

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It was typical busy day for all the employees in D-Mart but for Payal & Bhagvat they were having...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Milind Maitre , an architect, self made businessman is on his way to reach his dream of becoming leading...

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Himani Dave, branch manager of HDFC Wakad Bank from distance – is just a normal and ordinary looking woman but...

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Anand Munshi

Anand Munshi is one of the Top Motivational Speakers in India. He is leading Life Coach Columnist and through his regular columns he touches over 20 million readers every day.

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