Futurist Keynote Speaker

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Six symptoms you need Executive Coaching You lost sense of priority: At office, you hardly leave your desk, have lunch...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Himani Dave, branch manager of HDFC Wakad Bank from distance – is just a normal and ordinary looking woman but...

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इंटरनेट और मोबाइल के युग में ध्यान को लंबे समय तक केंद्रित करना कठिन होते जा रहा है. ध्यान भटकाने...

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इंटरनेट और मोबाइल के युग में ध्यान को लंबे समय तक केंद्रित करना कठिन होते जा रहा है. ध्यान भटकाने...

It is simple yet powerful method to gauge participant’s current status in terms of their readiness to undertake responsibilities of...

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Anand Munshi

Anand Munshi is one of the Top Motivational Speakers in India. He is leading Life Coach Columnist and through his regular columns he touches over 20 million readers every day.

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