CEO Nuggets
- When you are overwhelmed with meaningless achievements then you’ll miss real opportunities for success. Because the desire to remain happy is falsely getting fulfilled.
- It is natural for anyone to grow in his field and become number one but what is more important is to choose your race wisely. Too many leaders boast themselves for meaningless achievements.
- When you revolve around routine work you only get involve on firefighting. But you get evolve when you question even your best practices.
- You can gain more influence by improving and less by proving.
- One may be an incident, two a coincidence but three is a pattern.
- Change Mantra: Awareness -> Acceptance -> Action.
- Consider a single bad or unproductive day as temporary disturbance, do not let it form a pattern by repeating.
- Want to find your passion? Identify one thing what you automatically love, understand and can live forever doing the most boring of the task there.
- Motivation can comes and goes. Find ways to strengthen your discipline to consistently improve.
- Best question – “What is the best use of my time right now.”
- When facts cannot sustain it is the dreams that keep us going.
- It is not the best argument but a simple story that can change people’s mind.
- Don’t confuse probabilities with possibilities.
- Unexamined thoughts is the root cause of most chaos.
- Your success is your responsibility don’t make it someone else duty.
- All important things like exercising, maintaining relationships or gaining financial independence need daily acts of commitment.
- Quick lesson on improving productivity – find what you can Start, Stop or Continue from your routine.
- Your consistency falls as low as what you can adhere to even on your worst and rough days.
- When deciding next course of action focus on patterns and not on individual stories. One person successding means nothing but 100 people’s success is a signal. Follow it.
- Always stay on the top in your category – if you cannot then create new category and lead.
- Welcome criticism. It test strength of your purpose.
- Rome is not built in a day. Once you understand and accept the reality of slow progress towards your genius then you’ll have every reason to take action soon.
- Everyone helps, sometimes by helping and sometimes by not.
- Overthinking kills creativity and courage.
- Is is not answers but prime focus is to improve on quality of questions.
- Don’t desire to converse with a man who speak more than what he has learnt and read.
- Super successful people are super consistent.
- It doesn’t hurt to take an extra second to assess the situation better. There is no substitute for informed decision making.
- Patience pays.
- Competency & Consistency builds Confidence and Credibility.
- Most influential person is not the most intelligent but the most sensible person in the room. Sensible person connects better.
- What you appreciate, appreciates.
- Don’t force people to change past practices, they resist. But they don’t mind creating new.
- You cannot retain talented employees with money alone.
- Don’t try to fix behavioral issues in your people overnight, technical up skilling is much faster.
- You’re never done with improving your communication skills.
- Rest ethics comes before work ethics. Re-energize and realign your goals with your bigger purpose.