Global Futurist Keynote Speaker
Anand Munshi

A Real Global Thought Leader

Anand Munshi is Global Futurist Keynote Speaker in the US, UK, India, Dubai, Hong Kong, Australia on the topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Technology, Global Socio-Economic Patterns, Innovation Impact on Customer Behavior and Predicting Defining Trends & Patterns on Emerging Business Opportunities.

Anand Munshi is a Leading Futurist Keynote Speaker in Germany, Thailand, Malaysia, Europe, the Middle East, Oman, Qatar, Saudia Arabia, France & Italy Fortune 500 company to Future Friendly Organizations and build High Performing Teams through cohesive culture.

Best-selling Author on Peak Performance, a and TED Speaker, and a Columnist; Anand is known to conduct Engaging, Empowering & Thought Provoking Sessions.

In the last Twenty-Two years, he has conducted hundreds of Leadership Keynote Sessions in India, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong for the industry sector including IT, Banking & Finance, Manufacturing, Education, Pharmaceutical, Government, and Technology.

When it comes to engaging the entry-level or empowering the CXOs through leadership coaching, Anand Munshi is Leadership Keynote Speaker on Diversity & Inclusion with his wide exposure and proven methodology.

A Leadership Author & Futurist known to bring turn-around in individuals and organizations through personal effectiveness to excel during changes.






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Understanding people and impact of their changing behavior on products and services are crucial.


World is not Global Village, thus global thinking is not a privilege but basis of having futuristic mindset


Culture connect between people and technology form the fundamental of any innovation.


Adoption of technology as per the changing needs of people and industry form the success principle of technology.


Driving newer thinking with customer centric and futuristic mindset create best innovative offerings.


Wider application of products and services along with deeper penetration forms futuristic thinking. 


Execution of Strategies and predicting defining trends and pattens make futuristic leadership.

Global Futurist Speaker in
the US, UK, Europe, Australia, India

Why a Futurist?

The future is not what it used to be. We’re living in a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity)  World. As a futurist, my goal is to expand our understanding of the future. and how to dominate the opportunities. Every day, thousands of emerging technologies emerge, thousands of researchers make new discoveries, and thousands of new trends start to reveal themselves.

The challenges are immense and the options are countless. As we move down the path of advancing technology, our relationship with the future has never been clearer, making this both the most exciting and scariest time to be alive, in all human history.

Definitely without doubt. We live in present and there is a constant battle being waged over the needs of the present vs. the needs of the future. Naturally the future cannot be our only priority otherwise, we lose our ability to function in the present. Near-term issues invariably take precedent over long-term potential; yet, our ability to prioritize importance is directly tied to our vision of the future. Still, it is our vision of the future that determines our actions today.

I use this phrase a lot: “The future creates the present!” Yes, this is just the opposite of what most people think. They believe the work we’re doing today will automatically create the future, but from a little different perspective, it is the images of the future that we hold in our head that determines the decisions we’ll make today.

Global Futurist Speaker - Exposing Mega trends

That Dominates Your Industry
2020 - 2030

With the world moving at breakneck speed rapidly shaping and completely transforming every aspect of our society anand munshi is a man on a mission to get every person on the planet excited about that speed of change.

Thinking like a futurist!

Question your own history

Our legacy and current strategic planning provides an important reference point, however we should aim to rewrite your assumptions and consider the impact of the decisions you make today;

Practice curiosity and be courageous

Embrace new and challenging ideas and share your thoughts and concerns in lively discussions. Also, listen carefully to the arguments and perspectives of others at the same time;

Get comfortable with ambiguity and multiple perspectives

Organizations have as many futures as employees multiplied by the number of interactions they have over time internally, and externally with partners and customers. We have to consider all of these and understand that our futures are plural

Suspend judgment

Be aware of prejudgments and cognitive bias as they will lead you to drawing conclusions or making judgments ahead of exploring futures, Especially avoid terms like ‘that will never happen’ and ‘this is a fad’;

Be (wildly) creative

Work fast in small teams and write down as many signals, trends and ideas of our futures as possible. Don’t discount any ideas presented. Discuss and remix them with the work your colleagues and partners have also undertaken.

Look for ‘pockets of the future’ in the present

Look for those organizations and researchers being wildly creative with their views on where we are going as a society. Also, look to the works presented by speculative designers, poets, philosophers, writers, musicians, counter-culture creators, and listen to children’s naive ideas.

Embrace the long-view

Much of the work we do focuses on the next 5, 10, and 20+ years. However, when you start thinking of 50, 100, 200, 500+ years then everything is on the table for change. 

Focus on the non zero sum game

In game theory, this is a situation in which the rewards / benefits and costs / effects experienced by all players do not balance (i.e., they add up to less than or more than zero). In these situations, one player’s – or, country’s, organization’s, community’s – gain is not necessarily another player’s loss.

Be careful when ‘predicting the future’

In the foresight community there is rigorous debate that being a futurist is not about prediction. Predictions pre-determine a biased outcome and are limiting (see ‘judgment’ above). We speculate with the expectation that futures we design today are malleable and will change over time. 

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We have a huge variety of programs to offer. For other program related queries, you can connect with us.

Global Futurist Speaker - Trend Forecasting Report

We at Anand Munshi do analysis of the dominant trends that are shaping within your industry and impact of other industries. On a micro level we try understand different parameters affecting growth, innovation and customer retention in your domain. Our reports are customized and addresses hidden patterns that are sure to impact your offerings. 

Trend Forecasting is the process of researching and formulating predictions on consumers future buying habits. By identifying the source, tracing the evolution, and recognising patterns of trends, forecasters are able to provide designers and brands with a ‘vision’ of the future.

Global Futurist Speaker - Analysis & Predictions of Trends & Patterns

It is our primary job to timely identify the defining trends that is shaping the industry, be it change in customer behavior of competitor strategic change in offering or what talent in the market will be in much demand. We analyze and predict the trends so that business can take timely and decisive actions. 

Trend analysis is a technique used in technical analysis that attempts to predict future stock price movements based on recently observed trend data. Trend analysis uses historical data, such as price movements and trade volume, to forecast the long-term direction of market sentiment.

Global Futurist Speaker - Next Innovation is From Customer Experience

Leading businesses all over the world now focusing on impact of Effective Customer Experience in their End-To-End dealing. Our prediction highlights seven different areas where quality customer interaction can play critical role in improving customer retention, positioning of new products and services, understanding revenue leakage and identifying various aspects that leads to poor customer experience and loss of revenue and reputation.  

In the always-evolving world of mobile, social media and never-ending customer expectations, deriving brand equity by simply getting the basics right isn’t enough. You need to “out-innovate” the competition so that the customers keep returning to you. We can only do this through constant customer experience, or CX, innovation.

More about Anand

Anand Munshi is top rated Executive Coach in India.

Anand Munshi is top rated Executive Coach in India. He has unparalleled vision to spot opportunities for growth and excellence in personal and professional life, his international exposure of Fortune 500 corporations like Telstra, Vodafone, Accenture and diverse knowledge in Engineering, Management Thinking & Information Technology make Anand Munshi much sought after Executive Coach in India for Senior Leadership Team in various MNCs.

Anand Munshi is a undisputed Thought Leader & True Futurist

Anand Munshi is a undisputed Thought Leader & True Futurist who draws parallels in spotting defining upcoming trends. Leading Keynote Speaker in India, Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Kolkata & Gurgaon. His international corporate exposure, wide education and ability to quickly offer solution has been instrumental in transforming dozens of organizations and thousands of individuals to lead a meaningful life.

Hindi Motivational Speakers in India

Hindi Motivational Speakers in India – Anand Munshi. He is one of the top rated motivational speakers in Hindi in India for Sales, Motivation, Employee Team Building in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata & Hyderabad.

A Life Coach columnist for leading Hindi Newspapers

A Life Coach columnist for leading Hindi Newspapers; his articles are read by over 20 million readers every day. Anand Munshi regularly get invited as Hindi Motivational Speaker in India in Delhi, Mumbai, Indore, Jaipur, Ahmedabad and many more cities.

Anand Munshi is Student Motivational Speaker in India.

Anand Munshi is Student Motivational Speaker in India. He guides students in professional colleges on Academic Excellence and Right Career Choices for students in professional colleges Engineering, MBA. His sessions are mesmerizing – give rich exposure to world’s best practices from corporate world, in-depth spiritual insights and grounded techniques on relationships for people from all walks of life.

Top rated TEDx & Motivational Speakers in India

Anand Munshi is one of the top rated TEDx & Motivational Speakers in India, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata & Delhi NCR. He transformed Corporate Leaders into Peak Performers with Growth Mindset. Through his Engaging, Empowering and Transforming session he breeds Disruptive Innovation, Employee Empowerment and Sales Effectiveness. A Leadership Author & Futurist known to bring turn-around in individuals and organizations through personal effectiveness.

He conducts Entrepreneurship & Innovation workshop

Anand is Motivational Speakers in Bangalore to various IT companies. He conducts Entrepreneurship & Innovation workshop Future_preneurship in Delhi NCR to one of the top MNCs from Germany. He add lot of value by bringing real-life experience in his talks to make session lively and engaging. Motivational Seminar on Thought Leadership in Chennai. After few successful sessions Anand Munshi is now one of Leading Motivational Speakers in Chennai.

He conducts corporate events on Team Building and Employee Engagement

He conducts corporate events on Team Building and Employee Engagement & Motivation that compliment with the strategic direction of the organization. He also consults business on developing competitive edge for the growing competition of the future. He has years of research, studying best sales techniques in various products and industries. Anand Munshi as a Motivational Speaker in Raipur delivers self-framed modules to train participants through various tailored made Employee Empowerment Programs to transform them into a true asset to the company.

Provides Business Consulting along with Employee Engagement

Anand Munshi’s with its internationally acclaimed and custom-designed offerings now provide Business Consulting along with Employee Engagement, a unique combined solutions keeping an eye on the growing requirements of holistic design with changing times to bring tangible and value-added services.

One of the top rated Motivational Speakers in Australia

Anand Munshi as one of the top rated Motivational Speakers in Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Nepal, Dubai and other countries also conducts session on Leadership Coaching, Employee Empowerment, Peak Performance and Innovation.

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Do you face challenges in developing high performing team? We specialize in Engaging Employees, Empowering Leaders and Transforming Organizations with our world class offerings.

Motivational Speaking

Anand Munshi is the Best Motivational in India. He is Top Motivational Speaker for Corporate Events in 2019 to Fortune 500 Companies in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi NCR, Bangalore & Hyderabad...

Executive Coaching

Anand Munshi provides Executive Coaching & Storytelling Training to Leaders & CXOs of Fortune 500 companies, assisting them to overcome the future challenges of customer, businesses, and employees...

Corporate Training

Anand Munshi provides Experiential Corporate Training to MNCs in India. His company ranks among Top 10 Corporate Training Companies in India known to deliver Customized World Class...

Life Coaching

Through his Life Coaching Sessions he help people to strike right balance between money, health and their relationship issues. Anand Munshi as a Life Coach in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Pune & India...

Outbound Team Bonding

We provides experiential outbound team building activities to MNCs and Fortune 500 companies. All outdoor team-building training helps create high-performing teams in the personal and professional life of the...

Anand Munshi is India’s Leading Futurist & Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach & Corporate Trainer to Fortune 500 Companies.

Anand Munshi is a Global Futurist Speaker & Leadership Keynote Speaker on Customer Centricity, Sales, and Innovation. Through his various offerings as an Executive Coach in India, Corporate Trainer & Outbound Team Bonding Expert every year he touches dozens of Corporates to Engage their employees, Empower leaders and Transformation Organizations. As a Life Coach in India, his columns are read by over one thousand readers daily.

Motivational Speaker for Youth & Students, Anand Munshi provide effective methods to youth to become job-read for next-generation jobs. Anand Munshi provides Life Coaching in India and his columns are read by hundreds of people in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Gujrath in India.

When you invite Anand Munshi you also invite the welcome challenge to test your old belief only to be replaced by more compelling and real situation. Click here to invite Mr. Anand Munshi for your next corporate meet. 

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