Today the world is much different place as compared to just two years ago and during the time of changes in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty , Complexity & Ambiguity).
For us, all our engagements are customized after intense consultation working on ROI and understanding the fabric of the organizations.
Founder, Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker & Master Facilitator
Mindfulness Coach & Corporate Trainer
Experiential Corporate Trainer & Leadership Coach
Student Motivational Speaker
For us, all our engagements are customized after intense consultation working on ROI and understanding the fabric of the organizations.
My name is Anand Munshi. It gives me honor to get this wonderful opportunity to interact with you as an Futurist, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Corporate Trainer & Executive Coach.
I’m Mechanical Engineer, MBA in Computer Systems & Master of Information Technology from Melbourne.
I got over 19 years of international Corporate exposure in strategy division and data science in Finance & Telecom industry and worked for US, UK, Australia clients with Consulting MNCs.
I’m practicing spiritualist, Futurist and TEDx Speaker. I’m author of Peak-Performance & Self-Help books and Life Coach columnist for national daily.
I believe in leading a life of great purpose and accept with grace what it has got to offer.
It gives me immense pleasure to assist corporate leaders through executive coaching to lead a meaningful life and overcome every challenges in their personal and professional lives.
Executive Coach in India – Anand Munshi. The leaders of today cannot lead people and industry of tomorrow with yesterday’s mindset.
Anand Munshi provides Executive Coaching to make organizations future-friendly; ready to face challenges of Automation, Competitiveness.
Because the future is not what it used to be. Now changes, complexities and competition are much faster, deeper and even fierce respectively.
As more and more leaders within organizations are looking to have competitive edge – they look for innovative and better ways to remain profitable, need innovative ideas for newer products and serve that can add value to the life of masses and beat global competition.
Help your team feel more connected to your company by incorporating the right digital technology tools into their workflow.
There is no secret for good business – just to the basic right – understanding and fulfilling customer needs, every...
The simple definiation of Yoga is to join but Ms. Sonali from Poornanand Yog is going above and beyond to...
Do you face challenges in developing high performing team? We specialize in Engaging Employees, Empowering Leaders and Transforming Organizations with our world class offerings.
Anand Munshi is the Best Motivational in India. He is Top Motivational Speaker for Corporate Events in 2019 to Fortune 500 Companies in Mumbai, Pune, Delhi NCR, Bangalore & Hyderabad...
Anand Munshi provides Executive Coaching & Storytelling Training to Leaders & CXOs of Fortune 500 companies, assisting them to overcome the future challenges of customer, businesses, and employees...
Anand Munshi provides Experiential Corporate Training to MNCs in India. His company ranks among Top 10 Corporate Training Companies in India known to deliver Customized World Class...
Through his Life Coaching Sessions he help people to strike right balance between money, health and their relationship issues. Anand Munshi as a Life Coach in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Pune & India...
We provides experiential outbound team building activities to MNCs and Fortune 500 companies. All outdoor team-building training helps create high-performing teams in the personal and professional life of the...
Anand Munshi is a Global Futurist Speaker & Leadership Keynote Speaker on Customer Centricity, Sales, and Innovation. Through his various offerings as an Executive Coach in India, Corporate Trainer & Outbound Team Bonding Expert every year he touches dozens of Corporates to Engage their employees, Empower leaders and Transformation Organizations. As a Life Coach in India, his columns are read by over one thousand readers daily.
Motivational Speaker for Youth & Students, Anand Munshi provide effective methods to youth to become job-read for next-generation jobs. Anand Munshi provides Life Coaching in India and his columns are read by hundreds of people in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Gujrath in India.
When you invite Anand Munshi you also invite the welcome challenge to test your old belief only to be replaced by more compelling and real situation. Click here to invite Mr. Anand Munshi for your next corporate meet.
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